6-2 Analysis of $d$-ary heaps¶
A $d$-ary heap is like a binary heap, but (with one possible exception) nonleaf nodes have $d$ children instead of two children. In all parts of this problem, assume that the time to maintain the mapping between objects and heap elements is $O(1)$ per operation.
a. Describe how to represent a $d$-ary heap in an array.
b. Using $\Theta$-notation, express the height of a $d$-ary heap of $n$ elements in terms of $n$ and $d$.
c. Give an efficient implementation of EXTRACT-MAX in a $d$-ary max-heap. Analyze its running time in terms of $d$ and $n$.
d. Give an efficient implementation of INCREASE-KEY in a $d$-ary max-heap. Analyze its running time in terms of $d$ and $n$.
e. Give an efficient implementation of INSERT in a $d$-ary max-heap. Analyze its running time in terms of $d$ and $n$.
The array can be described by the following two fuctions to get the index of parent of $i$-th element in the array and the $j$-th child of $i$-th element.
$$ \begin{aligned} CHILD(i+1,j) & = CHILD(i)+d\cr CHILD(1,j) & = j+1 \quad 1\leq j \leq n\cr \implies CHILD(i,j) & = d(i-1)+j+1 \quad 1\leq j \leq n\cr \implies PARENT(i) & = floor((i-2)/d) + 1\cr \end{aligned} $$
Let $max(h)$ be the maximum numbers of elements in a $d$-ary heap of height $h$? Let $h(n)$ be the height of $d$-ary heap of $n$ elements.
$$ \begin{aligned} max(h) & = \sum_{i=0}^{h} d^i\cr & = \frac{d^{h+1}-1}{d-1}\cr h(n) & = \Theta(\log_{d}h)\cr & = \Theta(\lg n)\cr \end{aligned} $$
max = A[1]
A[1] = A[n]
A.heap-size = A.heap-size - 1
return max
find the index j of the largest child of A[i]//Θ(d)
if j != i
exchange A[i] and A[j]
i = j
D-ARY-MAX-HEAP-HEAPIFY(A,i)//Θ(lg n) times' calling
The running time of EXTRACT-MAX $\Theta(d\lg n)$.
if k < x.key
error "new key is smaller than current key"
find the index i in array A where object x occurs
while i > 1 and A[i].key < A[PARENT(i)].key
exchange A[i] and A[PARENT(i)]
update relative information
i = PARENT(i)
The number of while
loop iteration is the depth of the node which denotes x. So the running time is $O(D)=O(\log_{d} n)$
if A.heap-size == n
error "heap overflow"
A.heap-size = A.heap-size + 1
k = x.key
A[A.heap-size] = x
x.key = -∞
update the map between objects and array
The running time is domained by D-ARY-MAX-HEAP-INCREASE-KEY(A,x,k)
. So it is $O(\log_{d} n)$