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4-3 Solving recurrences with a change of variables

Sometimes, a little algebraic manipulation can make an unknown recurrence similar to one you have seen before. Let’s solve the recurrence

$T(n)=2T(\sqrt{n})+\Theta(\lg n)$ (4.25)

by using the change-of-variables method.

a. Define $m=\lg n$ and $S(m)=T(2^m)$. Rewrite recurrence (4.25) in terms of m and $S(m)$.

b. Solve your recurrence for $S(m)$.

c. Use your solution for $S(m)$ to conclude that $T(n)=\Theta(\lg n\lg\lg n)$.

d. Sketch the recursion tree for recurrence (4.25), and use it to explain intuitively why the solution is $T(n)=\Theta(\lg n \lg\lg n)$.

Solve the following recurrences by changing variables:

e. $T(n)=2T(\sqrt{n})+\Theta(1)$.

f. $T(n)=3T(\sqrt[3]{n})+\Theta(n)$.




$$ \begin{aligned} m^{\log_{b}a}=m\cr f(m)=m=\Theta(m^{\log_{b}a})\cr S(m)=\Theta(m\lg m) \end{aligned} $$


$T(n)=S(\lg n)=\Theta(\lg n\lg\lg n)$



depth:$\lg\lg n +1$, leaves: $2^{\lg\lg n}$

The total cost over all nodes at depth $i$,for $i=0,1,\dots,\lg\lg n-1$ is $2^i\cdot \frac{1}{2^i}\Theta(\lg n)=\Theta(\lg n)$

$$ \begin{aligned} T(n) & =2^{\lg\lg n}\Theta(1)+\sum_{i=0}^{\lg\lg n-1}\Theta(\lg n)\cr & =\Theta(\lg n)+\lg\lg n\Theta(\lg n)\cr & = \Theta(\lg n\lg\lg n)\cr \end{aligned} $$


depth:$\lg\lg n +1$, leaves: $2^{\lg\lg n}$

The total cost over all nodes at depth $i$,for $i=0,1,\dots,\lg\lg n-1$ is $2^i\cdot \Theta(1)=\Theta(2^i)$

$$ \begin{aligned} T(n) & =2^{\lg\lg n}\Theta(1)+\sum_{i=0}^{\lg\lg n-1}2^i\Theta(1)\cr & =\Theta(\lg n)+(2^{\lg\lg n}-1)\Theta(1)\cr & = \Theta(\lg n)\cr \end{aligned} $$



$$ \begin{aligned} m^{\log_{b}a}=m^{\log_{3}3}=m\cr f(m)=3^m=\Omega(m^{2+\log_{b}a})\cr 3f(m/3)=3\cdot 3^{m/3}\leq (1/3)f(m)\cr S(m)=\Theta(f(m))=\Theta(3^m)\cr T(n)=S(\log_{3}n)=\Theta(n)\cr \end{aligned} $$