3-7 Iterated functions¶
We can apply the iteration operator * used in the $\lg^{\ast}$ function to any monotonically increasing function $f(n)$ over the real. For a given constant $c \in \R$, we define the iterated dunction $f_{c}^{\ast}$ by
$f_{c}^{\ast}=\min \lbrace i\geq0:f^{(i)}\leq c\rbrace$,
which need not be well defined in all cases. In other words, the quantity $f_{c}^{\ast}(n)$ is the minimum number of iterated applications of the function $f$ required to reduce its argument down to $c$ or less.
For each of the functions $f(n)$ and constants $c$ in the table below, give as tight a bound as possible on $f_{c}^{\ast}(n)$. If there is no $i$ such that $f^{(i)} \leq c$, write "undefined" as your answer.
$f(n)$ | $c$ | $f_{c}^{\ast}(n)$ |
$n-1$ | $0$ | $\Theta(n)$ |
$\lg n$ | $1$ | $\Theta(\lg^{\ast}n)$ |
$n/2$ | $1$ | $\Theta(\lg n)$ |
$n/2$ | $2$ | $\Theta(\lg n)$ |
$\sqrt{n}$ | $2$ | $\theta(\lg\lg n)$ |
$\sqrt{n}$ | $1$ | undefined |
$n^{1/3}$ | $2$ | $\Theta(\log_3\lg n)$ |